Monday, February 7, 2011

Another adoption story...

I, again, just copied and pasted this from my clients blog (with her permission, of course). This is such an incredible adoption story, one that had to be shared!! So thankful for this family!

God is so faithful!!!

..................In late 2007, I started feeling like God was speaking to me about adoption. It seemed as if around every corner I heard about adoption - a radio ad, a magazine article,etc. "But God, are you sure?" was my thought. I never found the courage to approach J. I really can't say why other than I just couldn't predict what his reaction would be.

In June of 2008, a dear out -of -town friend called me one afternoon and posed this question; "Are you guys still leaving having more children in God's hand?" Um, Absolutely! She went on to explain that she knew of a couple wanting to place their child for adoption and she immediately thought of us. What?!? My first thought was "OK God, hear you go again! I think I got it!" Naturally this phone call forced me to discuss the subject with J and of course he was all for it. Long story short, that couple decided to parent. We were disappointed, but it opened dialog between us about adoption.

Soon after we decided to look into embryo adoption. It would be less expensive, less risk and I could be pregnant again. We started the paperwork in early 2009. For some reason, the door seemed to shut for us at this point. The clinic we chose to work with never got J's medical records after requesting they be sent several times. I couldn't understand it, but we had started building our house and decided that it would be best to wait till we were settled in the new house to make any further decisions on adoption. The entire time, I still questioned God about if he really wanted us to adopt or not. Somewhere along the way, He clearly said "Why wouldn't I?"

In January of 2010, we had just gotten settled in our house and sat down one night to make a final decision of whether or not we thought we should proceed with adoption. We decided to go for it! I told J I would start looking into agencies immediately. Within a week or so, I got really sick. (You can get details here) After a brief hospitalization, my doctor gave me no option but to have a hysterectomy. During this time, I begin to get information from several agencies. All of them seemed great, but there was one slight problem. I just couldn't get a peace about which one was right for us. We also began talking to some adoptive families we knew. One of them pointed me to Faithful Adoption Consultants. One phone conversation with Courtney at FAC left me at complete peace. I knew without a doubt this was for us.

Our home study was completed at the end of August 2010 and we immediately began presenting our profile to birth moms through FAC. By the end of October, I became discouraged as we had presented to approximately 8 birth moms. It seemed as though we often were passed over because we already had a child. While I completely understood the birth moms' reasoning, it was still very frustrating. God was faithful to send me encouragement just when I needed it.

On Monday, November 1st, Courtney called to tell me about a baby girl that would be born the next week. The birth mom had decided to let the agency pick a family for her. The agency she was working with had us in mind! I was so excited. She promised to call me the next day with more details. On Tuesday morning my phone rang and it was Courtney. My heart skipped a beat but I never ever expected to hear what she had to say. She informed me she had no further information for me yet, BUT, there was a baby girl born Sunday and if we wanted her, she was ours! WHAT? My head was spinning, and of course, J was out of town on business. She gave me very brief details and I told her I needed to get in touch with J. After phone calls to him, and the agency involved we decided that this was our girl! And then we found out that she was only about 40 miles from where J was on business!

I began to rush around making arrangements and packing. I hate driving long distances and was dreading the trip with just H and I. I would have no back up driver. I fervently prayed that God would provide someone to go with me, but I didn't want to ask anyone. Within about 30 minutes, a dear friend called and said, if I wanted, she had made arrangements to go with me! Talk about answered prayer!

We left out first thing on Wednesday morning and finally got clearance to go to the hospital around 6:30 that evening. When we arrived, I was very nervous. We knew very little about the birth mom- and it was all verbal information. As we were waiting to be escorted in, I wondered what she would look like. I kept reminding myself that I didn't think I had ever seen an ugly baby, but what if this was the first time? We had gotten word that she was beautiful, but I mean what were they going to say? "Sorry mam, but you got the ugly runt?" (Please don't get me wrong, we were beyond ecstatic and loved her already, but I was so worried that I might not feel attached to her or something.) When we entered the nursery I peeped around the corner to catch a glimpse of her. In that moment, I stood in awe of my Heavenly Father! He had indeed answered our prayers "exceedingly and abundantly, more than we could ask or imagine"! I was still nervous until we unwrapped her and counted all her tiny fingers and toes! She was absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way.

The nurse prepared us that we might have to stay in the hospital a couple more days with her as she was on an IV at the time. We roomed -in with our precious girl and the next morning, the pediatrician released her! We were finally able to bring her home 13 days later, just a week before Thanksgiving!

I have often said that if God had given me the option, I never would have chosen the road of infertility and pregnancy loss. But oh how I praise Him for it all! Beyond a shadow of a doubt, He had a perfect plan for us. Sometimes that includes the less desirable path, but still all for our good. More than anything we are sure of this one thing; before the foundation of time, He chose her for us and us for her. It just couldn't get any better than that!

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