Emory and I have been married for almost 6 years. We have 4 children, and 2 dogs!! God has blessed our family with children through many different avenues, and given us a passion for adoption. When we got married 6 years ago, we had no idea the journey we were about to embark on, we had no idea the plans that God had in store for us.
Shortly after we got married in October 2003, we became pregnant. We found out 9 weeks later that I had miscarried. However, God had a plan. Within 10 days of my miscarriage I was pregnant again. Unbelieveable, even my doctor said so...it takes at least 2 menstrual cycles for your body to work everything out...Not when God is in control. Nine LONG months later, I gave birth to the cutest blonde hair, brown eyed boy ever. A was born November 2, 2004. We assumed that because I seemed to get pregnant so easily that there would be many more biological children. Once again, God had a different plan!
When A was 22 months old, we found out about a possible adoption situation from a friend, who is also an adoption consultant. She had been contacted by a lady who had 3 bi-racial girls that needed immediate placement. Being as we were friends, and I had mentioned my desire for adoption, she was able to connect me with this lady. Within 2 days, we met Miss Priss. She was 3, almost 4 at the time we met her. She was absolutely gorgeous...(by the way we would've taken all 3, but they had already been placed with other families!)and it didn't take long to know we couldn't live without her. She had a very extreme situation, and we did not go through a private agency, so our journey was much longer than the typical adoption. We had Miss Priss for over 2 years, before we were able to adopt her. We officially adopted her July 23, 2008. It was a great day!! But, God didn't stop there...
Over the course of the 2 years it took to officially adopt her, we realized that we were unable to have more children. At least for now. I have a very different issue than most women with fertility complications. I can get pregnant, I just can't keep the baby for longer than about 6-8 weeks. Emory and I have experienced many, many miscarriages. We have come to trust that God just intends to build our family in much more unique way! And we are thrilled that God is using us and our family to help others to build their families through adoption!
In August of last year, Emory lost his job. Do to the job loss, and several changes in our life, we switched churches. We went back "home". We went back to the church we grew up in, the church where both our families attend. That decision allowed God to work 2 more miracles in our family. The first Sunday we attended church, our pastor spoke of foster care from the pulpit, and the governor's wife was featured in a video telling the of the needs for foster families. We immediately felt God pricking our hearts, and wondered if this was the reason God had sent us back to our home church. Within 6 weeks of that Sunday, Emory and I were approved foster parents.
Our first foster child was a 12 year old boy, we had him for only 5 days. It was just long enough to fall in love with him, it was sooo hard to let him go. One week later we got our next placement...2 beautiful little boys. We will call them "MJ" and "CA". MJ is 3 years old, and CA is 15 months. They are the cutest little hispanic boys you have ever seen!! We have had them for 10 months, and we are absolutely in love. God has blessed us tremendously. I can't even begin to imagine our lives without them.
So, somewhere in the midst of all that, we prayerfully decided to start our own Adoption Consultation company with the help of our friend. This is not only our passion, but our ministry. We want to glorify God through every step of this business, and give Him all of the glory!
This is our family just 2 weeks ago, we were at the Creation Museum in Florence, Kentucky!!
Your story and your family are inspiring! You are truly making a difference in the lives of those children!