Hello Everyone! I know it's late, but I have a prayer request. WE have a client that is being presented to a birth mom tomorrow morning. I would like to ask for prayer requests for this family.
My prayer is that God will be with this birth mother as she makes this decision tomorrow, that He would give her a peace about whichever way she decides. I pray for this adoptive family, that God would cover them with a peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace that if their chosen the financials will fall into place, and that if their not, the strength to keep moving on through their adoption journey. I pray that we will get word from the agency tomorrow, so this couple will know one way or the other.
Thank you for all your prayers. If you stop by and read this, will you leave me a comment so I know this family and this birth mom are being prayed for. I would really appreciate it. The adoption journey is a rewarding experience, however, it has many emotional roller coasters as well. It is very hard to sit and wait for a decision on a birth mom presentation! Thanks again!!!
Homeschooling Kindergarten 1st 6 Weeks Review
9 years ago