Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pictures promised...

MARGRUERITE JANE...Isn't she a cutie!!!

Her sweet siblings!!!

Proud Parents, AGAIN!!!

Another couple has their sweet baby...

Another precious couple has their baby girl!! We have been blessed with the BEST clients, we really have. It's funny how close you can become to someone that was a perfect stranger only a month or two ago. Elizabeth was one of those clients, she and I hit if off!! They had been with an agency here in Georgia for almost a year, when she came to FAC. Her sweet family had been through 2 failed matches, and they were eager to meet the new baby God had for them!!

We got started together pretty fast, we worked on a profile, put one together very quickly, and then we waited for the situations that met their criteria. They only worked with me for a month, we she called to tell me that the original agency had matched them. YES, the original Georgia agency had matched them, and their baby was due in a week. A WEEK!!! WOW!!! They were thrilled.

I was a little disappointed, I love being able to play a small role in these adoptions, especially in the case of someone I have become so close too!!! But, God knew where their precious baby was, and it wasn't with one of our agencies. We are so excited for them, and we are hopefully going to meet them while they are here in Georgia!! I am so excited!!!

Their sweet baby girl was born last Friday...

Marguerite Jane

Weight: 7 lb, 0 oz
Date & Time of Birth: 5:54 pm, December 11th
Black, curly hair, dark, deep-set eyes.

Hopefully, this sweet family will let me post some of their pictures, I will post them as soon as I have permission!!! :)

Please continue to pray for them, pray for their BM and continues traveling mercies. They have to stay here in Georgia for another 10 days or so, and then they can head back home!! Thanks for all your prayers!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

This is a REPOST...it was so good, I wanted you to read it AGAIN!!!

Trans-Racial Adoption

I have been searching for information to better educate families about trans-racial adoption. I was talking to my parents today, and explaining that I had become somewhat discouraged, the more I searched the more negative information that I found. Well, I just found an article, an interview that absolutely blew me away. God answered my prayer, He absolutely gave me the best article to share with you.
Again, I found this article on the same blog as the last post. I will paste it below so that you can read it.

Interview on Transracial Adoption and the Gospel

Occasionally someone sends me an e-mail asking if I know of any resources that address transracial or transethnic adoption from a biblical perspective. Unfortunately, most of these e-mails come from people who are facing opposition to transethnic adoption from within the evangelical community. They most often want to know how the gospel addresses this important issue. So I thought I would post an interview I did with Thabiti Anyabwile last September. In it he addresses the issue of race and the gospel, particularly as it relates to the practice of transethnic adoption.

Thabiti is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman and most recently the author of the following books: What Is a Healthy Church Member?, The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity, and The Faithful Preacher: Recapturing the Vision of Three Pioneering African-American Pastors. He served previously as an elder/assistant pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church (Washington, DC) and as an elder at Church on the Rock (Raleigh, NC). He also blogs at Pure Church.

1. Tell us a little about First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman.

This year FBC is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The church began in 1977 with 21 people from one of the ‘sister islands’ (Cayman Brac) meeting in a local living room. Today, there are people from about 25 nations who call FBC their spiritual home. It’s easily the most ethnically diverse church I’ve ever served. The people here love the Lord, His gospel, and His people. It’s a great joy to serve them.

2. As a pastor, what’s your primary burden for your people?

To see us all grow in holiness, to be shaped more and more in the image of Christ and therefore fit for heaven. We live on what most people consider an “island paradise.” Not surprisingly, then, the levels of worldly hedonism and materialism are quite high. But that’s really a tremendous gospel opportunity if the Lord grows us in Christ-likeness, disdain for this world, and commitment to living and sharing the gospel. If we can have more of heaven in us, even before we’re in heaven, the contrast between life in the kingdom and life in the world will be stark. I long to see us yearn for Christ and His kingdom.

3. You recently wrote an excellent and thought-provoking article entitled “Many Ethnicities, One Race.“ Why did you write it?

It was a privilege to be asked to contribute to the 9Marks eJournal issue on ethnicity and the church. Generally, I don’t like talking or writing a great deal about ethnicity and race; there are too many ways in which those conversations are unhelpful and unedifying. Nevertheless, the Lord has given us sufficient guidance for these issues in His word and I’m convinced we’ve not mined the Scripture enough. And that’s really problematic given how glaring a problem the racial history of the U.S. has been—the church not excepted. So, at the invitation of the brothers at 9Marks I tried to offer what I hope is a useful, biblical framework for thinking through these issues.

4. Some people, for any number of reasons, are uncomfortable with the idea of transracial adoption. Other people, because of their views on race, are outright opposed to the idea of transracial adoption; they believe that adoption across ethnic lines should not be practiced. How might the Bible speak to these concerns?

Well, I think it depends on the nature of the discomfort or opposition. If the discomfort or opposition is grounded in some assumption that “races” are unequal or that “races” should remain segregated in family and social relationships, I think the Bible rebukes and corrects that kind of thinking in several ways. First, it’s clear that there is only one “race” of man, all descended from our original parents Adam and Eve (Gen. 2; Acts 17:26). There is no biblical basis for discomfort or opposition based on racial attitudes. Second, the alienation that sometimes stirs opposition to transracial adoption is really a spiritual problem. It’s a product of the Fall of man into sin. The cure for that problem is saving faith in Jesus Christ, wherein man is first reconciled to God and then reconciled to other men. So, for Christians in particular, those who are adopted into the family of God through faith in Christ, opposition to transracial adoption is tantamount to denying the work of Christ on the cross.

But there may also be discomfort or opposition not based on racial attitudes but some prudential concerns. Some may wonder if they are sufficiently equipped to parent across culture and ethnicity. Others may worry about the tension or conflict they may experience. There we have to remember that we are not called to love only in the convenient places and situations. We’re called to a radical love, one that mirrors the love of God for broken sinners. And the end of such love is unspeakable joy. For the joy set before Him, Jesus Christ endured the inconvenient and uncomfortable agony of the cross to redeem a people who were hostile toward Him. Adoption across ethnic lines may be one of the best pictures of that radical Christ-like love we have available to us today. So, “prudential” concerns that awaken discomfort aren’t finally sufficient reason to refuse or oppose such adoptions.

5. More and more couples are considering adopting transracially. How would you counsel a couple that desires to adopt a child from another race (i.e. ethnicity)? How would you seek to educate them theologically? How should the gospel help shape their view of transracial adoption?

The first thing I would want to do is simply commend and encourage them. I’d want to commend this act of selflessness and love. And I’d want to encourage them to remember that God’s grace is sufficient for their every need. That’s true of parenting in general, and it’s true of the specific case of transracial adoption and parenting. So, first, be encouraged.

Second, I’d want to encourage them to jettison the idea of “race” as it has historically been defined. Drop it like the bad habit it is. Learn to read the Scripture for its accent on our common humanity. Hayes’ Biblical Theology of Race is very valuable in this regard. Think of the children, indeed all people, as essentially “same” rather than “other.”

But third, having acknowledged our common humanity, think and teach your children to think in terms of “the nations.” In other words, there’s a tremendous opportunity in multi-ethnic families to cultivate a deeper concern for missions and getting the gospel to all nations. Try to prevent conversations and cross-cultural education from terminating on man or your family; try to think of those conversations as opportunities for thinking great thoughts about God who wants to be known among all people. The Lord has purposed that His glory will be shown in the bowing of the nations to His name. Our reflection on ethnicity and culture is incomplete if it doesn’t have that goal in mind.

6. Many who will read this interview have already adopted transracially. They are often concerned that their transracially adopted children will struggle with a sense of identity since they do not have same-race parents or do not live in an ethnically diverse area. Would you address their concern?

Again, I’d want to remind them that the Lord’s grace is sufficient for their parenting and this concern. Lean into that grace; commit this issue to the Lord in prayer. He’ll direct your steps and give you wisdom in this area.

Second, it’s important to think of parenting as essentially an exercise in identity formation (spiritually first, and ethnically in light of those spiritual realities). So, give considerable time to helping your child think of her or himself as one made in the image of God. The dignity of their lives is derived primarily from this aspect of their identity. Whatever struggles they encounter in terms of social and ethnic identity, they should resolve them in light of this fundamental truth. Also, parents want to help their children ground their identity in Christ if the child is/becomes a Christian. They are being renewed in the knowledge of God, righteousness and holiness through their union with Christ. This is the most profound aspect of who they are and understanding this is critical for putting identity conflicts in their proper perspective. Having laid that theological basis then it’s time to think critically about ethnic culture, experiences, and ideas.

The mistake many will make—partly out of an overdeveloped sense of guilt, and partly out of a desire to help their children—is to rush to ethnic and cultural considerations. Based on my own experience running rites of passage programs aimed at fostering cultural identity and values, most children are really ill-equipped for this kind of exploration because they haven’t settled larger, more fundamental questions about existence, faith, and purpose. Parents want to lay that foundation first. Children will be healthier in the long run even if the struggle feels acute at some points. But for help with ethnic identity issues, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of others. Build cross-cultural friendships. Include cross-cultural experiences in the family’s entertainment options (books, movies, concerts, etc.). This may take some investment, but it’s not only good for the child but the parents as well.

(Retrieved from http://www.togetherforadoption.org/?p=247)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

YAY!! Another match...

So excited for another precious FAC family. They matched this afternoon with a baby girl. Their new addition is due at the end of January!!! So excited for them! The Lord is so good, I love to see him build families through adoption!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog Auction....

So, one of our precious clients, has decided to have an online auction to support her upcoming adoption. They are trying to raise money, so that they can add a precious child to their family. Adoption is expensive, and adoptive families have to come up with creative ways to fund their adoptions. I thought this idea was GREAT!! She has many wonderful, talented friends that have donated these items to her, and now she can auction them off to you...so you are helping a family, and getting a really GREAT item all at the same time. She has all sorts of items listed...baby items, things for you, gift certificates, etc, etc, etc....

Please check out this online adoption auction!

I thought this was a GREAT fundraising idea!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This is GREAT...

This video is one our clients S and T put together! They have an open adoption with their sweet birth mom, and this video is their journey from the initial match until the birth of their son, Takoda. It is so sweet to watch. I know this sweet baby boy will appreciate this video so much one day!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009


I am so happy to say that we had 2 clients match this weekend. Congrats to E and D, as well as, E and J. Both clients are expecting their precious babies this month, both are expecting baby girls, and both are very anxious to meet their new additions!!! I absolutely adore both of these couples, and I cannot wait to meet each of their new additions!! Please join me in praying for their birth moms, please pray that they are steadfast in their adoption plan, pray that they have safe, healthy deliveries, pray for these sweet babies, pray for traveling mercies, one of our clients has a long journey before them, while the other doesn't have to travel very far. Pray for them as they prepare for their new additions!! Also, pray that each of these adoptive couples will be able to witness to their birth moms, and their families. How AWESOME would it be if they could win these BM's to Christ if they do not already have a relationship with him. Our hope is that the Lord will use our clients to make an eternal difference in the lives of these precious birth families!! Thank you for all the prayers!! Thanks you so much!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Meeting Mr. Takoda

We got to meet one of our clients newest additions yesterday! It was so great!! We enjoy getting to hang out with them, but we LOVED getting to hold their precious baby!!! That is the best part of my job, being able to see the babies with their new families, see how happy they are, and just hear them talk about their experience!! This particular couple had a long, hard road to their sweet baby boy. I know they would tell you it was all worth it though, they have a fantastic relationship with their birth mother, they love her and now they have the most precious baby boy!! Here are some quick pics Emory and I snapped last night!!! This is the 2nd baby we have gotten to meet, and I hope we get to meet many, many more!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Congratulations S and T!!!

Here is the newest FAC baby!! We are so excited for this sweet couple.

Another FAC baby...

COngratulations to the newest FAC family!!! Their precious baby boy was born a t 3:12 am. He was 7 lb 14 oz and 20 inches long!! I don't have pictures yet, but I am sure that I will have them soon!! Stay Tuned...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Another Match!!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING...We just got wonderful news this Thanksgiving morning. WE had another client match this morning. Their precious baby boy will be born in March!! So happy for them! I know they are ecstatic, and cannot wait to share the news with their families today!!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another FAC baby born!

Congrats to J and T. THeir baby boy was born yesterday morning. The baby was born almost 2 weeks early, so they were not there for the delivery. J is driving to Texas, and T flew out yesterday after getting the exciting news!! Please pray for their BM, she has not signed yet, please pray for her to be steadfast in her adoption plan. I will post pictures as soon as I have them!!! Thanks for all the prayers!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone...

I am so excited that Thanksgiving is this week!! My kids are all out of school and we are going to lay low!! I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be closed this week, we will only be taking calls from agencies and current clients. Please feel free to email or call, but please understand you may not get a return email or call until Nov. 30. THank you so much, I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Congratulations to J and A!!! We are so excited for them, their precious baby boy was born late yesterday afternoon!!! He was 6 lbs and 13 oz, 19 inches long!! PLease continue to pray for them, pray for their birth mom and for their 3 yr. old little girl!! She is about to experience a very big adjustment!!! :) I know they are very excited, and cannot wait until this afternoon, their birth mom will sign her papers at 6:30 EST. Please join me in prayer, please pray for their precious birth mom, this will be the hardest thing she has ever done!! A said it best on her blog "Our greatest joy...is her greatest sadness." That is so true!! Please keep her in prayer!!! Thank you!! Here are pictures of their sweet baby boy!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Great Financial Provision for one of our clients...

WOW!!! Our God is so good. He is so faithful!! The Harmans just called to share with us a great story, a story of how the Lord financially provided for their adoption. So I am going to share their sweet story!!

Three weeks before their adoption, before they even knew about their precious baby boy, Danielle was in a car accident. It was a pretty bad car accident, one that caused pretty severe burns to her hands and arms. So, after she was taken to the hospital and all bandaged up, she thought that was the end of that. Her van was repaired, and all was taken care of by the other drivers insurance. Well, the story isn't over. As her hands were burning, she cried out to GOd, "Why, Why now, we are in the middle of an adoption, WHY NOW?" Well several weeks later, God provided the answer!! She was called by one of the insurance workers, they were closing out her case, and wanted to make sure her van was all fixed, and to check on her burns. She asked if she had any pain. Danielle responded "No, Praise the Lord, I have no pain, scarring, but no pain!!" Well, scarring was the magic word. The insurance worker said, "Scarring, is it bad?" Danielle said "Pretty bad, 50/50 chance it will never go away!" The insurance worker told her to send pictures. So, she did!!

Yesterday, Danielle called to tell me the insurance company offered her a settlement of $15k. Yes, $15k. The Lord provided the rest of the money needed for their adoption!!! That covers the adoption expenses that were not already covered by grants and such!! BOy, is GOd good!! She said she is wearing her scars as a badge of honor!!! I love it!!! God provides in the most unique ways!!! Don;t be surprised when he provides your financial needs for your adoption in the most UNIQUE way!!!

I just had to share that, she had no idea when she asked God during that car accident, "WHY" that it was going to help financially provide for their beautiful baby boy!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Congratulations to Adam and Rebecca. Their precious daughter was born yesterday, 11/10/2009 at 11:56 am.

6 lbs 7 oz
19 1/4 inches
11:56 am

She is beautiful!! The BM signed her papers today, and I know that Adam and Rebecca are so relieved that this part of the adoption is complete!! Please continue to pray for them, their sweet baby, and also continued prayers for their BM.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Caucasian, Gender Unknown, Fees are $29k due in February!!

Caucasian, Gender Unknown, Fees are $26k due in January!!

Bi-Racial baby boy due in January!! Fees are $30k. This is a unique situation, and I would be happy to give you all of the specifics if you are interested.

AA baby girl due in Georgia on Thursday, fees are $18k.

AA baby boy due on Dec. 4th, fees are $17k.

AA baby gender unknown due January 15th, fees are $18k.

AA baby boy, due Dec. 14th, fees are $19k.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A new addition...

One of our clients just hopped on a plane to pick up their brand new baby girl!! Their birth mom went into labor this evening, and is expected to have the baby tomorrow. Please pray for this sweet family, pray for traveling mercies, pray for their birth mom, for her health and a safe delivery and pray for their precious baby girl! I will keep you updated with info!! Thanks for all the prayers!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


We just had another precious family match! Their sweet baby boy will be born in the middle of this month!! Please continue to pray for this family, their birth mother and of course their sweet baby boy!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and, with the help of God, I will do." -Edward Everett Hales

Monday, November 2, 2009

Praise the Lord...

GOD IS SO GOOD!!! Lord willing we will have 3 couples adding to their families this month. We have 2 families expecting their babies on or before November 16th, please pray for them, pray for their birth moms, for a safe delivery, pray that their birth moms will be steadfast in their adoption plan, pray for the health of each baby, pray for the adoptive families. We also have a 3rd family expecting their baby on or before November 27th. I know each of these families is beyond excited, nervous, etc. They are so thankful!! Please pray for each of these families, please pray by name: John and Tammy, Adam and Rebecca, and Steve and Tamara!! Please continue to pray for each of these couples, I can't wait to post pictures of their sweet babies VERY, VERY soon!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Adoption Tax Credit

Apparently, Capitol Hill is trying to make the decision to discontinue the adoption tax credit. I copied and pasted this off of another blog:

The adoption community is receiving conflicting messages about the future
of Adoption Tax Credit. There are some talks on the Capitol Hill about
doing away with the Adoption Tax Credit, which will affect thousands of
adoptive families who are still waiting to complete their adoptions.

Representative Jim DeMint, R-South Carolina, is sponsoring legislation
that will make permanent the adoption tax credit and adoption assistance
programs, which are set to expire in 2010. The legislation known as the
Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act has the support of more than 100 members
of the House of Representatives. Rep. DeMint spearheaded enactment of The
Hope for Children Act in the 107th Congress, which doubled the adoption
tax credit from $5,000 to $10,000, though with a sunset provision. The
Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act would make the effect of the Hope for
Children Act lasting and would benefit future generations.

A permanent adoption tax credit presents a win-win situation as it
promotes adoption, all the while making good economic sense. Adoption can
be expensive, usually costing anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000, a
prohibitive cost for many taxpayers. The need for, and appropriateness of,
a permanent adoption tax credit could not be clearer, with the numbers of
individuals considering adoption at an all time high and the numbers of
children available for adoption increasing. And, adoption benefits all
society, not only those who adopt or are adopted, because children raised
in loving, stable families grow up to be good citizens and productive
members of their communities.

Please, go to www.house.gov to e-mail your Congressional representative,
asking him or her to support the Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act. You
can also go HERE for more information about Rep. DeMint's legislation.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Stuations...More to come!!!

Situations: CC baby due in February...$25,500
AA baby Unknown gender due Nov. 12 $17k
AA baby unknown gender due Dec. 4 $17k
AA baby unknown gender due Jan. 15 $18k
AA baby boy- Due Dec. 14th $18k

More coming!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Situations...

Bi-Racial baby girl, due Dec. 23rd...Fees are $24-$26k
B-Racial Baby Boy due next week...Fees are $28,900
AA baby boy due Dec. 14th...fees are $20k
AA baby gender unknown, due in January...Fees are $18k
AA baby boy due Dec. 1st...Fees are $21k

Friday, October 23, 2009

Another Situation...

AA baby girl, due Dec. 23!!! This is a clean case with bfather who will sign, no drugs, health issues, or mental illness. She did drink 2 drinks before knowing she was pregnant in the 1st trimester!!! She want only a family with 2 children or less!!!! She does not like SPANKING, and will not consider families that spank!!!! Fees are less than $13k.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Situations available...

Okay! I have several situations: Here they are:

CC baby gender unknown due in March...Fees are $32k
CC baby gender unknown due in December...Fees are $29k
Portugese/Middle Eastern gender unknown, due in February...Fees are $29k
AA baby boy due in November...Fees are $18k
AA baby boy due in December...Fees are $18k

And will have several more tomorrow!!!

If you are interested, please email me!! Thanks!!!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Another match!!

Praise the Lord! We just had another family match today! Congrats to Rebecca and Adam! We are so excited for them. Their sweet baby is due on November 16th. That is only 3.5 weeks away! Please pray for them, their birth mom and of course, their sweet baby girl! I will keep you updated in the next few weeks! Thanks for all the prayers!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Meet the Harmans...

Daniel and Dani Harman are the most recent couple that we have had to match! They are such a great couple. They have actually known my husband for many, many years. I had the pleasure of meeting them for the 1st time this past spring. They had just moved back to the U.S. after living overseas for over 8 years. They are missionaries! They came home, and within a week had bought a house, a car and set-up a consult appointment with us to discuss adoption. They have always wanted 4 children, they have 2 biological children, and have suffered heart-ache with the loss of 2 babies through ectopic pregnancies in the past year or two. The second ectopic pregnancy almost took her life. It was very scary, and that is when they made the decision that adoption would be the best way to build their family. So, they came to our home and we discussed adoption over dinner. We had such a great time discussing the possibilities in the near future. They decided that they would continue to pray about adoption, and about our services.

Several months later, after they had settled into their new home, and a new routine, they called us to start the adoption process. Boy, were they quick too! When they make a decision they don't play around! I LOVE THAT ABOUT THEM!!!! It was great! She called me on a Monday I believe, and by Tuesday she already had the 1st home study appointment scheduled, all the paperwork done for me and for the home study agency! I was impressed. So, I immediately got their profile going, and within in 3 days had it finished and ready for proofing. Within 1 day of having the profile completed, I presented the Harmans with 3 situations that fit their criteria perfectly.

They were pretty open, race was not an issue, gender was not an issue, and really drugs and alcohol were case by case!!! So, we presented. We presented in order of their preference, not simultaneously. So the first presentation, took several days to find out what was going on, but in the end, the birth father had talked her into parenting! They were sad, but obviously that was not the baby that God had planned for them. So we trucked on. The next BM, really never decided, so we along with the agency decided to go ahead an present to the 3rd BM, instead of waiting around!! By this time, the Harmans, are a little discouraged, they didn't tell me so, but I could hear it their voices. So, somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd BM, another agency called and told me about a BM that had just had her baby in Missouri, it was an AA baby girl, and the agency would be picking the family. So, the agency talked to the Harmans and assuming the Harmans could get the money together in 24 hours, they would go pick up this sweet baby. Well, the agency decided they couldn't wait, they had another family that had their funds ready to go, and they were also a perfect match! They were devestated. Again, this obviously wasn't their baby. (Note...the agency called me 2 days later, to inform me that the BM had changed her mind, and that she did not place, BOY IS GOD SO GOOD!!! What heart-ache he saved them from.) So, they presented to the 3rd birth mom. GUESS WHAT???? They MATCHED!!! She loved them! We were ecstatic. The agency set up a BM conference call for the next night, and that would be it. Well, the next night came, and the agency called me to inform me that they were canceling the call. The BM started saying things that made it seem like she was changing her mind, so the agency pulled the plug on the call. We were so bummed, but both the Harmans and I appreciated the fact that the agency was looking out for them. They could have kept the call, accepted the match, and the Harmans would've had to pay their match fee and be locked into this particular agency! Instead they called and said, you guys move forward with other presentations. If she delivers and places this baby we will give the Harmans the chance to adopt this precious baby. We just can't be sure that she is definitely going to place, we are very concerned, and we don't want to see the Harmans hurt. PRAISE THE LORD for an agency who did the right thing! Thank you Lord for looking out for the Harmans!!!

So, we moved forward. We presented on another situation within 2 days. It was also an AA baby boy. After 2 days, we were called by the agency, they were not picked. She actually didn't pick anyone. She wanted to wait for a family with no other children! The agency did have another situation. The BM was in the office right then, and she would be delivering in 2 days. Again, it was a great situation, an AA boy, no drugs, no alcohol, mom and dad would sign, no mental illness, everything was great. So, I called the Harmans, told them they didn't match with the 1st one, but that there was another situation. I told her this baby would be born in 2 days. She said, let me talk to Daniel and I will call you back.

A very deflated Dani called me back to tell me that there was no way that they could come up with the $10k that they were lacking. I tried to encourage her that everything was okay, and that there were still plenty of babies we could present on, NO BIG DEAL!! Knowing full well, that is so easy for me to say, but they were ready for THEIR baby! They were discouraged!

So, the next day was a crazy day for FAC. I had several conference calls with potential clients; I was trying to finish up paperwork on another client that had just matched, run errands, print profiles, etc. So, my phone was ringing off the hook. Somewhere in the middle of my crazy day the agency that told me about the baby about to be born, called me. She left me a message, and asked that I call her back ASAP!! SO, I did. She said that if the Harmans were interested in this baby, they would float them the money until the end of the month. I was so excited, if you know the adoption world, you know agencies don't do this!! They don't do financing! God was up to something! So, I called the Harmans. Daniel answered and handed the phone to Dani. She said we were just talking about you, we were praying about whether or not to call you about that baby that is due tomorrow. Excitedly, I informed her that the agency would float her the money, she said "YES". As the conversation continued she informed that her mom had called 5 minutes before me and informed her that the IRS check, in the amount that they needed, had just arrived in the mail. WOW!!! IS GOD GOOD OR WHAT? Tell me that is coincidence. NO, it isn't! That is God's divine plan! So, now the only obstacle was for them to get picked by the BM. At this point it is 3:30 EST. And that baby is due the next day. So, I give the agency the go ahead to present. Well, the BM didn't see the profiles until 9pm EST. It was gonna be a late night. She had 3 to choose from; she narrowed it down to 2 couples. The Harman’s and one other couple. She wanted a conference call! So, at 11:30ish pm that talked to the BM. Dani called me right when it was over, and said it only lasted 5 minutes. I was shocked it was so short, but 1 hour later, the agency called to tell Daniel and Dani to book a flight, they were going to Utah!!! They would be flying out the next day to pick up their baby! God is so GOOD!!!

They held their baby within 6 weeks of signing our contract. God is Great!!! Their adoption journey was not without disappointment, but I am pretty sure they forgot all that the minute they held their precious baby, John Mark Harman!!!

John Mark Harman
Born October 14th at 11:57 am
5 pounds, 8 ounces and 18 inches of pure joy

Thank you, Lord for the Harmans. Thank you for their precious new baby! Lord, thank you for showing us your sovereignty, and how God, you still perform miracles. Thank you for adopting us, Lord!! Thank you for the most perfect picture of adoption, when you adopt a new Christian into your family! We give you all the glory, and Praise you for each adoption! IN YOUR HOLY NAME, AMEN!!!!

Another Happy Beginning...

Dear Courtney (Faithful Adoption Consultants),

What an exciting journey we are on in preparation for our little boy to be born. We know that this situation was predetermined by God, but took instruments in his service for this adoption miracle to come together as it has. Courtney, you are a gift from God and an important tool that God is using to allow his perfect will to be manifested. God has led you to provide this service for his work, led Tamara to your facebook page after other situations fell apart, allowed doors to open which led to a match within a couple weeks, and we are now certain that we are on path led by God that will be placing a little bundle of boy-joy in our arms that will be God’s “right” baby for us.

You have been so consistent in this process and a true pillar of strength and commitment for us without losing sight of the emotional struggles that adoption can present. We are thrilled that we got to meet you and spend time with you in person the same day we met the birthmother. God says that the Greatest Gift is “Love”, and without hesitation we know that you truly love what you do and the people you serve, as it shows every day in your actions. What a testimony to those you work with!

We are preparing for this miracle baby, which is due within 6 weeks and will continue to keep in touch with all the details of how God is working in our lives and this precious birthmother’s life. Thank you again for every phone call and update that you gave consistently, as it turns a potential stressful journey into a work of God. You truly have been a gift from God to us and have made this a wonderful experience. We will always value you and your friendship.

We Love You,
Steve and Tamara

Steve, Tamara and their birth mom!!! They are so blessed to have gotten to meet her, and be able to thank her in person for the gift that she is giving them!! I am not sure you can put a "thank you" into words, but I know they are never going to stop trying to!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meet Baby Harman!

This is John Mark Harman! Isn't he gorgeous!!!!

Keep Praying...

Thank you PRAYER WARRIORS, thank you for all your prayers. Please keep them coming. In about 1/2 hour, the Harmans birth mom will be signing the papers to relinquish her rights to her precious child. As I write this post, I am in tears for this precious woman that I have never met. I am impressed with her selfless love, with her courage and I admire her making this choice out of love for this baby boy.

Pray for this birth mom, pray that God would give her a peace like she has never known, that through this situation she may know Him. Pray for the Harmans, this is such an emotional time for everyone, please pray that everything will go smoothly! I will keep you updated! Thanks again for your prayers!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Baby Harman

Baby Harman has been born. He is 5 lbs, 8 ounces and is 18 inches long! He is on oxygen right now due to difficulty breathing, but the Drs. don't anticipate moving him to the NICU at this point. Please pray for this sweet baby, the birth parents, and for the Harmans. The Harmans are still traveling, and will not make it to Utah until late tonight. Continue to pray for traveling mercies for them!


I will post pics as soon as they have some!!

Mark Schulz...

Sweet Poem...

If you choose to tell her,
If she wants to know,
How the one who gave her life
Could bear to let her go.
Just tell her there were sleepless nights
I prayed and paced the floors,
And knew the only peace I'd find,
Was if this child was yours.
And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When u love her so,
how she's been loved before
By someone, who delivered her from,
God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

This may not be the answer,
For another girl like me.
But I'm not on a soapbox,
Saying how we all should be.
I'm just trusting in my feelings,
And I'm trusting God above,
And I'm trusting you can give this baby
Both her mother's love.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Answered Prayers....

THEY MATCHED!!! 2 matched in 2 days! GOD IS SO GOOD! I am in tears as I type this post! I am so excited for this sweet family. They have been on an emotional roller coaster the past 2 weeks!! I know when they meet their precious baby boy tomorrow that they will forget all of the things they went through to get to their sweet boy! Congrats Daniel and Dani!!!!

I just got off the phone with Dani, she is beyond excited! God has answered their prayers, He is an AWESOME God! They are such a precious family, and I feel so blessed to know them, and to have been allowed the opportunity to be a part of their growing family! Thank you, Lord, for this precious couple. I pray that you will give them traveling mercies tomorrow, Lord. I pray for their other 2 children, that you would give them peace as their parents prepare to leave them for at least a week, I pray for their sweet birth mom, for her health, and for a healthy delivery of their sweet baby boy! PRAISE YOU!! We give YOU all the glory, GOD!!!

Thank you to all of our prayer warriors! We appreciate your prayers!!!!


We have a family, a very sweet family being presented on a situation right now. Their profile is being given to a birth mom, if she chooses this family, they will hop on a flight tomorrow to meet their new baby boy. This birth mom is suppose to be induced tomorrow morning! Please pray for this family, they are so excited, they are anxious, and they would love to hear that this is their precious baby! They are very strong Christians, and they firmly believe that they will match in God's perfect timing! I hope this is His perfect time, but I know if it isn't that God's perfect time is soon, very soon!!!! Thank you for the prayers! I appreciate your prayers, and I know my clients do! Thank you! I will keep you posted!!!

Emory's Thoughts....

Emory wrote this, and I just wanted to share it with you...

Someone once told me “You must learn to put your Faith into practice with your family first.”

I used to think that meant loving your family - which is definitely a good thing. But, maybe, at least for me and my wife, it means something more. Part of my Faith, my Christianity, is to love everyone – I mean after all “God so loved the world.” Perhaps one of the most impactful, and life-changing, ways to do this is by loving someone right into your family. Adoption is a beautiful picture of how God welcomes us, strangers, into His family. I hope that there is a small glimmer of that love in our adoptions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Happy Family....

I just wanted to say "Thank You" to all of my prayer warriors! The Lord is answering prayers for these sweet adoptive families! We had another family match tonight! We are so excited for another client, and cannot wait to meet their new addition in November! I know they are so excited! They have only been working with us for 3 short weeks, and we are thrilled that the Lord answered their prayers for a new baby! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Once again, He lined up every last detail, and His hand has clearly been present on this situation!!!

Please keep praying! We have several clients that are being presented this week, and others that were presented last week, still waiting on the decisions from birth mothers! Please continue to pray for God's will in each of these situations. Please pray that Emory and I never lose sight of Him! To God be the Glory in each of these situations!!!!

A Happy Beginning...

We feel so blessed to have found Courtney with Faithful Adoption Consultants. Our journey to our daughter was our second adoption and while we knew it would be different than our son’s adoption (international)…we did not anticipate the bumpy rollercoaster of emotions that it would be. We felt completely confident with the agency that we had chosen, and they represented us well…but after months of waiting we prayed about ‘branching out’ a bit.

In August 2009, I ran across the blog for Faithful Adoption Consultants. I was immediately interested in learning more as they seemed to truly have a passion for adoption. We prayed and God gave us a clear sign that this was in His plan. Within a matter of a couple of days, Courtney presented a situation to us about a baby girl…due in a few short weeks. For the first time in months, I was at complete peace. We sent our profile and waited…and prayed. The events that happened over the next few weeks could only be explained by the fact that this was God’s plan for our family and this beautiful baby girl…our daughter. We met our daughter when she was discharged from the hospital to us! It was amazing! God has blessed us beyond measure!

We will be forever thankful to Courtney for all that she has done for us….for being a friend….for understanding the emotions and trials of adoption…and for being a prayer warrior for birth mothers and adoptive families. We truly believe that God placed Courtney in our path because she was in His plan for our family. Her compassion, understanding and knowledge of adoption is remarkable and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone. I pray that God continues to use her to reach more mothers and families. Courtney…THANK YOU!

Jamey & Sabrina

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our mission statement!

Faithful Adoption Consultants provides support, education and guidance for couples seeking adoption. Adoption can be overwhelming, intimidating and time consuming, BUT with our guidance your adoption will be a rewarding experience.

We will be posting testimonials and pictures soon! Please visit us often! Praise the Lord we have had 6 matches in less than 30 days! Most of those clients worked with us less than 2 weeks! To God be the Glory! He is in the business of miracles, and we are so glad that He chose us to be an instrument for Him!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Adoption Situation!!!!

Bi-racial baby due within the next 30 days in AZ – gender unknown but will have another sonogram next week to determine!! Please let me know if you are interested!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Adoption Situations!!!!

Caucasian baby, unknown gender!! Baby is due in January! Very good social/medical history! Gotta move quick on this one, this agency is already presenting profiles! Let me know if you would like to have us send yours!!

Situations like this come up a lot. If you are interested in working with FAC, it is best to go ahead and move forward with the service contract, so that you are one of the first to be made aware of these situations!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adoption Situations!!!!

Just got a call about several other situations!!

AA/Caucasian baby boy due Nov. 13;
AA baby boy due Nov. 19th;
AA gender unknown due Feb. 14th;
Hispanic/unknown father baby boy due January 18th!!!!

Let me know if you are interested!! Thanks!!!

Situations available...

I just had a caucasian situation brought to my attention, I am waiting on all the details, but I know they are only looking for South Carolina families. Please let me know if you are interested and live in South Carolina!! Thanks!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pictures from my trip!!

This is a slideshow from Jerash. These are ruins from an Ancient Roman City! It was a very hot day, but we had a great time!!! I'll post the dead sea, Jordan River and Mount Nebo pics later!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lots of situations!!!

Lots of different situations available.

Please give me a call if you would like more info. There are several situations with bi-racial babies, african american babies, and a couple of caucasian situations.

There is a caucasian boy being born in Feb. Fees are $31k plus finalization!! The agency would like to present profiles by the end of the week, please let me know if you are interested!!!

Courtney 678-559-2164

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blessing from the Middle East...

Just wanted to let you all know that I am still working. I have been in the Middle East since Saturday. I just wanted to let you all know that I have several couples being presented this week and next. I would just like to request that you be praying for each of these families, the birth moms, and of course, pray for the families that do not match! Thank you all for your prayers!

I wanted to show you a pic from the Middle East. Apparently, I have to be very vague about where exactly I am in the Middle East, but as soon as we are home, we can share more info!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A New Addition...

Our couple that we have been working with for only 3 short weeks, is heading south to pick up their new baby girl. They have decided to name her Olivia. I am so excited for this couple. They have waited a long time, for this precious daughter. They have already adopted a handsome little man, and he is ecstatic about being a BIG BROTHER!!! Please pray for traveling mercies, pray for sweet Olivia, and pray for everything to go smoothly and quickly with all of the paperwork.

Also, Olivia has low-platelet counts and has been held in the hospital for 2 extra nights, please pray that God would resolve this issue, and that Olivia can go back to the hotel with her new family, as they await all of the paperwork.

God is so good!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Our 3rd family in 2 days just matched with their birth mom!! I am totally overwhelmed with how God has provided for these families. I am not surprised, I knew He would. But, I am overwhelmed. This is such an answer to prayer, I pray for each of my couples daily, and I have prayed that each of these 3 couples would match before I left for Jordan! Thank you, God, for answered prayers! Thank you for building these sweet families through adoption! I am so happy for each of these families and for the birth moms. Now these precious birth moms can concentrate on taking care of themselves and these babies!!



Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Such a GREAT day!!!

Today has been incredible. God is working miracles all over the place. If you don't believe me, you can call my 2 clients that got GREAT news today! Ask them?

My first family matched today around 3 pm, and then my 2nd family found out they matched around 4:30. WOW! So, very exciting.

The 2nd family, has very interesting details as well. THey are 99% matched, long story, and I will share it tomorrow when we get the 100% YES! I am not doubting that we will at all. God is so good! It's funny to see how HE has a done a GREAT work, especially since hind-sight is 20/20. We can look back at the events from 3 weeks ago, and see how CREATIVE HE was with this particular placement. I love that my GOD is into details! Praise Him! To Him be the Glory. I am so thankful this evening and so grateful for a God that cares about the deatils!!


My couple in the mid-west matched today! This is the couple that I referred to in an earlier post, this situation was too perfect not to be the hand of GOD!! Well, it was definitely part of GOd's perfect plan, they matched this afternoon after talking with the birth mom! I am ecstatic, as are they! If I didn't have 2 sick kiddos, I would give you every little detail that lined up to show God's mighty hand! I promise, I will repost those later! Thank you for all the prayers! We appreciate them all!

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Situations!!

I was just advised about new situations. Both are baby boys, both BM's deny alcohol and drug use. Very good situations. Both boys are due in late November. One is Bi-racial and the other is Caucasian. Let me know if you are home study approved and ready to be presented.

African American Baby due in December, gender unknown, may have info tomorrow on gender, she was set to see the Dr. tomorrow! Agency fees are $16k plus medical, $4500 for vaginal delivery and $8500 for c-section! Please let me know if you are interested in being presented on this sweet baby!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


PLease pray for another sweet family. They are on the phone right now with their potential birth mom! God is good! Pray for this adoptive couple, this birth mom and precious baby!!! God is good! Sooooo Good!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

God is in the details...

I will share all the details of this amazing story later, but I just wanted to give God the praise for an amazing situation! We have a client that will be speaking with a potential birth mom within the next 24 hours. The details of this situation are incrdible. God has totally aligned the wishes of this birth mom and this adoptive couple, and they have never met or spoken. It is amazing to watch God in action, and see how perfectly He works things out. He has a perfect plan, and is so exciting for me as I sit on the sidelines and watch this unfold. I will give you all the details whenever there is a final answer! PLease pray for this couple D & E, and for their potential birthmom. Pray for their conversations with the birth mom as well as the social worker. Pray that God is glorified through every step of this adoption situation!! Thank you for your prayers! YOu have no idea how hard it is for me to keep this blog so vague. God is at work, that is for sure!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Okay, More Prayers...

I have two very sweet families being presented on babies in the next few days. Please pray for my Alabama family and my Indiana family. I am so excited for these two precious families. Please pray for them as they wait, and pray for each of these birth mothers that they are being presented to!

I also have a 3rd family being presented later this month on twins! So exciting!

God is good! Thank you for all of your prayers, I appreciate them and I know the families do!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We have a new client. They are the sweetest couple, and they truly desire to honor God with every decision that they make. They have decided to adopt after having 2 biological children. Their 1st two pregnancies were great, but have had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with a 3rd child. They have experienced both miscarriages, and now an ectopic pregnancy. They believe that God brought them through all of that, as a way of preparing them for adoption. They are a caucasian couple, and have no preferences on race/gender. That makes for a very easy client. In fact, I was blown away when I read the last email they sent me. She wrote: "Again race is not an issue in fact you don’t even need to mention it in your descriptions of different placement scenarios. My husband said he’d rather not know until we have a baby in our arms." I was taken aback. That is a couple that is leaving it all up to God. They are truly going to allow God to decide what child comes into their family. I am so excited for them, and can't wait for the day I call them and tell them that they are matched!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adopting Domestically While Living Abroad

I wanted to let everyone know of a service that we are now able to offer. We have been doing a lot of research, and realized that Americans that are living abroad are having a very difficult time adopting. I am sure it is hard for many reasons, a couple of those reasons being: not a lot of immediate information available, adoption professionals will have to work harder to help make it happen, agencies are unsure of the laws regarding this, and what part will Hague play into it. Well, GOOD NEWS!! I had a prospective client contact me 2 weeks ago, and I have since become very educated on this subject. There is a lot of red-tape, but it is possible. I believe this prospective client and I have worked through all the annoying details of this, and I feel confident that they will be able to adopt very quickly.


Will it cost more?

Overall, Yes. You will have to pay more for your home study, because they will have to come to you to approve your home, so that will be an added expense. Depending on how many post-placements visits you need, you may have to fly them to you more than once.

Will you charge more as an adoption consultant?

No, I do not want to make this process any more expensive or frustrating for the adoptive couple. I am willing to take on the extra work, in order to help fulfill an adoptive couple's dreams. Living abroad should not stop you from pursuing your dreams of adoption.

Will it take longer?

It shouldn't take any longer than if you lived in the states. It 100% depends on your preferences, if you are race/gender specific, very limited to drug/alcohol exposure than it can definitely take a while.

Do I have to work with only Hague accredited agencies?

NO! I called the U.S. department of State and Intercountry affairs to make sure this is true. You are considered a "habitual" resident of the U.S. if you have lived here most of your life, a citizen of the U.S., and plan to return to the U.S. permanently before the adopted child turns 18.

Will my new child need a passport/visa?

Yes. Your new infant will enter the country in which you live on the same type of Visa that you have, i.e. temporary work visa, etc.

As you can see there are a lot of different things that play into adopting domestically while abroad, BUT it can be done. Please feel free to email me for more information on this wonderful new service. We will walk you through each and every step of your adoption journey!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

While you're waiting...

This song is playing as you read these lyrics, but I just wanted to encourage you through your wait. It can be painful at times, but you have to move ahead bold and confident! I hope this encourages you as you wait on God's plan to come to fruition.

I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait

I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it’s not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait

I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting on You, Lord


THank you all for your prayers. Our family that was waiting to be matched, ended up not matching. They are very disappointed, but understand that wasn't God's plan. What a hard thing to accept, especially when it comes to growing your family. This is a reminder that adoption is an emotional roller coaster, and that at times the pain stings a whole lot. I have complete FAITH that they will match very soon. Thanks again, we appreciate all your prayers.

Friday, August 28, 2009

“Faith is not a belief that everything will turn out to please us; rather it is the confidence that no matter how things turn out, God will somehow use the events in our days for His glory and our good.”
(E. Stanley Jones)

Thursday, August 27, 2009



The family I have been asking you to pray for is still waiting on the birth mom's decision! She is having a hard time deciding between our client and one other family. Please pray that she will choose our family, and that God would give her a great peace about her decision! Thanks for your prayers! I really appreciate them!!

Want to adopt, but have no idea where to start...

You and thousands of other people are all in the same boat. Adoption can be so daunting. It is so overwhelming, but will be one of the most rewarding adventures of your life. Many people believe that it is virtually impossible to adopt within the United States in a reasonable amount of time. That is not the case. You can adopt within 6-12 months with the right people on your team. A lot of your adoption experience depends on you. It will be what you make it. If you have a very specific image in your head about your future child, chances are you will wait longer than the next person. The more specific you get, the longer it will take. Being picky isn't bad, but the reality is, YOU WILL WAIT LONGER.

Faithful Adoption Consultants offers many, many services. WE would love to help you grow your family through adoption. We will help you with the 1st steps of finding a reputable home study agency, determining your budget, helping you with financial information (grants,loans and fundraising), support, education, constant prayer for you, your family and your future birth mom and child! This is such a passion for us, and we want God to be glorified through each step of every adoption.

We would love to hear from you! Please feel free to email or call. All of our info is listed to the right of this post! Thanks for visiting!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Addendum to my prayer request!

The couple I asked you to pray for last night, was not presented today after all. There was an issue with getting to the birth mom, and they had to reschedule for tomorrow morning. THey will be presented between 9:30a-11:15am. I should know something after lunch! I will keep you all posted!! Thanks in advance for all the prayers!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Prayer Request...

Hello Everyone! I know it's late, but I have a prayer request. WE have a client that is being presented to a birth mom tomorrow morning. I would like to ask for prayer requests for this family.

My prayer is that God will be with this birth mother as she makes this decision tomorrow, that He would give her a peace about whichever way she decides. I pray for this adoptive family, that God would cover them with a peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace that if their chosen the financials will fall into place, and that if their not, the strength to keep moving on through their adoption journey. I pray that we will get word from the agency tomorrow, so this couple will know one way or the other.

Thank you for all your prayers. If you stop by and read this, will you leave me a comment so I know this family and this birth mom are being prayed for. I would really appreciate it. The adoption journey is a rewarding experience, however, it has many emotional roller coasters as well. It is very hard to sit and wait for a decision on a birth mom presentation! Thanks again!!!

Situations GALORE!!!

I talked to several agencies today! They all have many, many situations! Most of the ones they have mentioned are for bi-racial and african american, but there are a couple of caucasian! Please let me know if you would like more information on our services. If you are homestudy/profile ready we have reduced prices for you! ALso, if you are home study and profile ready and interested in any gender/ethnicity, you may be able to match very, very quickly. Please give us a call!

Or you can email me @ courtney@faithfuladoptionconsultants.com

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More situations...

I just found out about several different situations. African American Twins-boy and Girl due in Nov. ; African American boy due in November; caucasian sex unknown due in November; the list goes on and on!! Email or call if you would like more information!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Available Situations...

We have been made aware of several different situations, and I wanted to pass those on to you guys. If you are interested, or someone you know is interested, please give us a call immediately. We were told about 3 situations TODAY:

All are African American or Bi-racial, all are baby girls, all are due in the next 2-4 weeks. If you would like more information, please call or email us. Thanks so much!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Did you know...

Did you know the following people were adopted:

Andy Berlin - entrepreneur: chairman of Berlin Cameron & Partners
Anthony Williams - politician
Aristotle - philosopher
Art Linkletter - comedian
Bo Diddley - musician, performer
Buffy Sainte-Marie - musician, actress
Carl-Theodor Dreyer - Danish film director
Charlotte Anne Lopez - Miss Teen USA
Christina Crawford - author
Clarissa Pinkola Estes - author
Crazy Horse - Lakota war chief
Dan O'Brien - decathlete
Daunte Culpepper - football player
Dave Thomas - entrepreneur: founder of Wendy's
Debbie Harry - singer
D.M.C. - hip hop artist
Edgar Allan Poe - poet, writer
Edward Albee - playwright
Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady
Eric Dickerson - athlete
Faith Daniels - news anchor
Faith Hill - country singer
Freddie Bartholomew - actor
George Washington Carver - inventor
Greg Louganis - athlete
James MacArthur - actor
James Michener - author
Jean Jacques Rousseau - philosopher
Jesse Jackson - minister
Jesus - adopted by Joseph the carpenter (Bible)
Jett Williams - country singer and author
Jim Palmer - athlete
John J. Audubon - naturalist
John Hancock - politician
John Lennon - musician
Langston Hughes - poet and writer
Larry Ellison - entrepreneur: chief executive of Oracle
Lee Majors - actor
Leo Tolstoy - writer
Les Brown - motivational speaker
Lynnette Cole - Miss USA 2000
Malcolm X - civil rights leader
Mark Acre - athlete
Matthew Laborteaux - actor
Melissa Gilbert - actress
Michael Reagan - author, talk show host
Moses - Biblical leader
Nancy Reagan - First Lady
Nat King Cole - singer
Nelson Mandela - politician
Patrick Labyorteaux - actor
Peter and Kitty Carruthers - figure skaters
President Gerald Ford - politician
President William Clinton - politician
Priscilla Presley - actress
Ray Liotta - actor
Reno - performance artist, comedian
Sarah McLachlan - singer
Scott Hamilton - figure skater
Sen. Paull H. Shin - politician
Sen. Robert Byrd - politician
Steve Jobs - entrepreneur: co-founder of Apple computer
Surya Bonaly - figure skater
Tim Green - football player/commentator
Tim McGraw - country singer
Tom Monaghan - entrepreneur
Tommy Davidson - comedian
Victoria Rowell - actress
Wilson Riles

Etc, Etc.

The list is long and it goes on and on...Adoption has enriched so many lives! Are you interested in adoption? Please visit our website (www.faithfuladoptionconsultants.com) for more information.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The myths of Domestic Adoption

It takes years to adopt a child within the U.S. Families can wait up to 5 years.

False. Most domestic adoptions happen within 3-18 months. The amount of time you wait solely depends on the ethnicity you choose, budget and how specific you are. Many families are lead to believe that they will have a shorter wait if they choose international adoption. In reality, international adoptions are often plagued by unreliable and inconsistent adoption processes. There are also very long waiting lists for international adoption programs.

Domestic Adoption is MUCH more expensive than international adoption.

Again, it depends on the situation. Unlike foreign adoptions, you do not have to travel overseas to pick up your child, and the travel time is days not weeks or months. Occasionally in International adoption, you may have to stay for over 1 month in the country from which you are adopting. Many factors determine the cost of domestic adoption, but usually they range from $10k-$35K. International adoption can cost upwards of $30k before travel expenses.

Birth parents never fully lose their rights to the child, and come back at anytime to reclaim them.

Absolutely False. Each state has different laws regarding adoption. Some states adoptions laws state that they are revocable until the 91st day, others within 24 hours. Once the time limit has passed for that state, the birth parents rights are terminated. They cannot come back and claim this child for any reason.

Faithful Adoption Consultants only works in states that we consider "safe states" where the laws benefit the adopting families, with time limits of 24 hours-10 days. We try to work only with states with a revocation period less than 72 hours. However, occasionally we will work with a state that has a longer revocation period if our clients are okay with that timeline.

All children and babies that are available for domestic adoption are special needs.

False. Birth mothers may choose an adoption plan due to a number of reasons. They may be married, or single, have other children or not. They may have limited income and the timing wasn't right, etc. There are a number of factors that play into the selfless decision that is adoption. Not all of these children are a product of drug addictions, alcohol, etc.

Unlike with International adoption, you will be given the social and medical history, so that you can make the best decision for your family. You will not be presented to a birth-mother that has a social or medical history that you are not comfortable with. In international adoption, you typically will not have any social or medical background on the child you are about to adopt. Drug and Alcohol addictions are not only prevalent in the U.S. but all over the world, you may be faced with these same issues in international adoption, but not made aware of it until the child returns home with you.

I hope this helps clarify some the questions that you might have about domestic adoption vs. international adoption. Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or would like more information about our services.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Transracial Adoptions...

I have been searching for information to better educate families about trans-racial adoption. I was talking to my parents today, and explaining that I had become somewhat discouraged, the more I searched the more negative information that I found. Well, I just found an article, an interview that absolutely blew me away. God answered my prayer, He absolutely gave me the best article to share with you.
Again, I found this article on the same blog as the last post. I will paste it below so that you can read it.

Interview on Transracial Adoption and the Gospel

Occasionally someone sends me an e-mail asking if I know of any resources that address transracial or transethnic adoption from a biblical perspective. Unfortunately, most of these e-mails come from people who are facing opposition to transethnic adoption from within the evangelical community. They most often want to know how the gospel addresses this important issue. So I thought I would post an interview I did with Thabiti Anyabwile last September. In it he addresses the issue of race and the gospel, particularly as it relates to the practice of transethnic adoption.

Thabiti is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman and most recently the author of the following books: What Is a Healthy Church Member?, The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity, and The Faithful Preacher: Recapturing the Vision of Three Pioneering African-American Pastors. He served previously as an elder/assistant pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church (Washington, DC) and as an elder at Church on the Rock (Raleigh, NC). He also blogs at Pure Church.

1. Tell us a little about First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman.

This year FBC is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The church began in 1977 with 21 people from one of the ‘sister islands’ (Cayman Brac) meeting in a local living room. Today, there are people from about 25 nations who call FBC their spiritual home. It’s easily the most ethnically diverse church I’ve ever served. The people here love the Lord, His gospel, and His people. It’s a great joy to serve them.

2. As a pastor, what’s your primary burden for your people?

To see us all grow in holiness, to be shaped more and more in the image of Christ and therefore fit for heaven. We live on what most people consider an “island paradise.” Not surprisingly, then, the levels of worldly hedonism and materialism are quite high. But that’s really a tremendous gospel opportunity if the Lord grows us in Christ-likeness, disdain for this world, and commitment to living and sharing the gospel. If we can have more of heaven in us, even before we’re in heaven, the contrast between life in the kingdom and life in the world will be stark. I long to see us yearn for Christ and His kingdom.

3. You recently wrote an excellent and thought-provoking article entitled “Many Ethnicities, One Race.“ Why did you write it?

It was a privilege to be asked to contribute to the 9Marks eJournal issue on ethnicity and the church. Generally, I don’t like talking or writing a great deal about ethnicity and race; there are too many ways in which those conversations are unhelpful and unedifying. Nevertheless, the Lord has given us sufficient guidance for these issues in His word and I’m convinced we’ve not mined the Scripture enough. And that’s really problematic given how glaring a problem the racial history of the U.S. has been—the church not excepted. So, at the invitation of the brothers at 9Marks I tried to offer what I hope is a useful, biblical framework for thinking through these issues.

4. Some people, for any number of reasons, are uncomfortable with the idea of transracial adoption. Other people, because of their views on race, are outright opposed to the idea of transracial adoption; they believe that adoption across ethnic lines should not be practiced. How might the Bible speak to these concerns?

Well, I think it depends on the nature of the discomfort or opposition. If the discomfort or opposition is grounded in some assumption that “races” are unequal or that “races” should remain segregated in family and social relationships, I think the Bible rebukes and corrects that kind of thinking in several ways. First, it’s clear that there is only one “race” of man, all descended from our original parents Adam and Eve (Gen. 2; Acts 17:26). There is no biblical basis for discomfort or opposition based on racial attitudes. Second, the alienation that sometimes stirs opposition to transracial adoption is really a spiritual problem. It’s a product of the Fall of man into sin. The cure for that problem is saving faith in Jesus Christ, wherein man is first reconciled to God and then reconciled to other men. So, for Christians in particular, those who are adopted into the family of God through faith in Christ, opposition to transracial adoption is tantamount to denying the work of Christ on the cross.

But there may also be discomfort or opposition not based on racial attitudes but some prudential concerns. Some may wonder if they are sufficiently equipped to parent across culture and ethnicity. Others may worry about the tension or conflict they may experience. There we have to remember that we are not called to love only in the convenient places and situations. We’re called to a radical love, one that mirrors the love of God for broken sinners. And the end of such love is unspeakable joy. For the joy set before Him, Jesus Christ endured the inconvenient and uncomfortable agony of the cross to redeem a people who were hostile toward Him. Adoption across ethnic lines may be one of the best pictures of that radical Christ-like love we have available to us today. So, “prudential” concerns that awaken discomfort aren’t finally sufficient reason to refuse or oppose such adoptions.

5. More and more couples are considering adopting transracially. How would you counsel a couple that desires to adopt a child from another race (i.e. ethnicity)? How would you seek to educate them theologically? How should the gospel help shape their view of transracial adoption?

The first thing I would want to do is simply commend and encourage them. I’d want to commend this act of selflessness and love. And I’d want to encourage them to remember that God’s grace is sufficient for their every need. That’s true of parenting in general, and it’s true of the specific case of transracial adoption and parenting. So, first, be encouraged.

Second, I’d want to encourage them to jettison the idea of “race” as it has historically been defined. Drop it like the bad habit it is. Learn to read the Scripture for its accent on our common humanity. Hayes’ Biblical Theology of Race is very valuable in this regard. Think of the children, indeed all people, as essentially “same” rather than “other.”

But third, having acknowledged our common humanity, think and teach your children to think in terms of “the nations.” In other words, there’s a tremendous opportunity in multi-ethnic families to cultivate a deeper concern for missions and getting the gospel to all nations. Try to prevent conversations and cross-cultural education from terminating on man or your family; try to think of those conversations as opportunities for thinking great thoughts about God who wants to be known among all people. The Lord has purposed that His glory will be shown in the bowing of the nations to His name. Our reflection on ethnicity and culture is incomplete if it doesn’t have that goal in mind.

6. Many who will read this interview have already adopted transracially. They are often concerned that their transracially adopted children will struggle with a sense of identity since they do not have same-race parents or do not live in an ethnically diverse area. Would you address their concern?

Again, I’d want to remind them that the Lord’s grace is sufficient for their parenting and this concern. Lean into that grace; commit this issue to the Lord in prayer. He’ll direct your steps and give you wisdom in this area.

Second, it’s important to think of parenting as essentially an exercise in identity formation (spiritually first, and ethnically in light of those spiritual realities). So, give considerable time to helping your child think of her or himself as one made in the image of God. The dignity of their lives is derived primarily from this aspect of their identity. Whatever struggles they encounter in terms of social and ethnic identity, they should resolve them in light of this fundamental truth. Also, parents want to help their children ground their identity in Christ if the child is/becomes a Christian. They are being renewed in the knowledge of God, righteousness and holiness through their union with Christ. This is the most profound aspect of who they are and understanding this is critical for putting identity conflicts in their proper perspective. Having laid that theological basis then it’s time to think critically about ethnic culture, experiences, and ideas.

The mistake many will make—partly out of an overdeveloped sense of guilt, and partly out of a desire to help their children—is to rush to ethnic and cultural considerations. Based on my own experience running rites of passage programs aimed at fostering cultural identity and values, most children are really ill-equipped for this kind of exploration because they haven’t settled larger, more fundamental questions about existence, faith, and purpose. Parents want to lay that foundation first. Children will be healthier in the long run even if the struggle feels acute at some points. But for help with ethnic identity issues, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of others. Build cross-cultural friendships. Include cross-cultural experiences in the family’s entertainment options (books, movies, concerts, etc.). This may take some investment, but it’s not only good for the child but the parents as well.

(Retrieved from http://www.togetherforadoption.org/?p=247)