Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lots of situations!!!

Lots of different situations available.

Please give me a call if you would like more info. There are several situations with bi-racial babies, african american babies, and a couple of caucasian situations.

There is a caucasian boy being born in Feb. Fees are $31k plus finalization!! The agency would like to present profiles by the end of the week, please let me know if you are interested!!!

Courtney 678-559-2164

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blessing from the Middle East...

Just wanted to let you all know that I am still working. I have been in the Middle East since Saturday. I just wanted to let you all know that I have several couples being presented this week and next. I would just like to request that you be praying for each of these families, the birth moms, and of course, pray for the families that do not match! Thank you all for your prayers!

I wanted to show you a pic from the Middle East. Apparently, I have to be very vague about where exactly I am in the Middle East, but as soon as we are home, we can share more info!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A New Addition...

Our couple that we have been working with for only 3 short weeks, is heading south to pick up their new baby girl. They have decided to name her Olivia. I am so excited for this couple. They have waited a long time, for this precious daughter. They have already adopted a handsome little man, and he is ecstatic about being a BIG BROTHER!!! Please pray for traveling mercies, pray for sweet Olivia, and pray for everything to go smoothly and quickly with all of the paperwork.

Also, Olivia has low-platelet counts and has been held in the hospital for 2 extra nights, please pray that God would resolve this issue, and that Olivia can go back to the hotel with her new family, as they await all of the paperwork.

God is so good!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Our 3rd family in 2 days just matched with their birth mom!! I am totally overwhelmed with how God has provided for these families. I am not surprised, I knew He would. But, I am overwhelmed. This is such an answer to prayer, I pray for each of my couples daily, and I have prayed that each of these 3 couples would match before I left for Jordan! Thank you, God, for answered prayers! Thank you for building these sweet families through adoption! I am so happy for each of these families and for the birth moms. Now these precious birth moms can concentrate on taking care of themselves and these babies!!



Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Such a GREAT day!!!

Today has been incredible. God is working miracles all over the place. If you don't believe me, you can call my 2 clients that got GREAT news today! Ask them?

My first family matched today around 3 pm, and then my 2nd family found out they matched around 4:30. WOW! So, very exciting.

The 2nd family, has very interesting details as well. THey are 99% matched, long story, and I will share it tomorrow when we get the 100% YES! I am not doubting that we will at all. God is so good! It's funny to see how HE has a done a GREAT work, especially since hind-sight is 20/20. We can look back at the events from 3 weeks ago, and see how CREATIVE HE was with this particular placement. I love that my GOD is into details! Praise Him! To Him be the Glory. I am so thankful this evening and so grateful for a God that cares about the deatils!!


My couple in the mid-west matched today! This is the couple that I referred to in an earlier post, this situation was too perfect not to be the hand of GOD!! Well, it was definitely part of GOd's perfect plan, they matched this afternoon after talking with the birth mom! I am ecstatic, as are they! If I didn't have 2 sick kiddos, I would give you every little detail that lined up to show God's mighty hand! I promise, I will repost those later! Thank you for all the prayers! We appreciate them all!

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Situations!!

I was just advised about new situations. Both are baby boys, both BM's deny alcohol and drug use. Very good situations. Both boys are due in late November. One is Bi-racial and the other is Caucasian. Let me know if you are home study approved and ready to be presented.

African American Baby due in December, gender unknown, may have info tomorrow on gender, she was set to see the Dr. tomorrow! Agency fees are $16k plus medical, $4500 for vaginal delivery and $8500 for c-section! Please let me know if you are interested in being presented on this sweet baby!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


PLease pray for another sweet family. They are on the phone right now with their potential birth mom! God is good! Pray for this adoptive couple, this birth mom and precious baby!!! God is good! Sooooo Good!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

God is in the details...

I will share all the details of this amazing story later, but I just wanted to give God the praise for an amazing situation! We have a client that will be speaking with a potential birth mom within the next 24 hours. The details of this situation are incrdible. God has totally aligned the wishes of this birth mom and this adoptive couple, and they have never met or spoken. It is amazing to watch God in action, and see how perfectly He works things out. He has a perfect plan, and is so exciting for me as I sit on the sidelines and watch this unfold. I will give you all the details whenever there is a final answer! PLease pray for this couple D & E, and for their potential birthmom. Pray for their conversations with the birth mom as well as the social worker. Pray that God is glorified through every step of this adoption situation!! Thank you for your prayers! YOu have no idea how hard it is for me to keep this blog so vague. God is at work, that is for sure!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Okay, More Prayers...

I have two very sweet families being presented on babies in the next few days. Please pray for my Alabama family and my Indiana family. I am so excited for these two precious families. Please pray for them as they wait, and pray for each of these birth mothers that they are being presented to!

I also have a 3rd family being presented later this month on twins! So exciting!

God is good! Thank you for all of your prayers, I appreciate them and I know the families do!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We have a new client. They are the sweetest couple, and they truly desire to honor God with every decision that they make. They have decided to adopt after having 2 biological children. Their 1st two pregnancies were great, but have had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with a 3rd child. They have experienced both miscarriages, and now an ectopic pregnancy. They believe that God brought them through all of that, as a way of preparing them for adoption. They are a caucasian couple, and have no preferences on race/gender. That makes for a very easy client. In fact, I was blown away when I read the last email they sent me. She wrote: "Again race is not an issue in fact you don’t even need to mention it in your descriptions of different placement scenarios. My husband said he’d rather not know until we have a baby in our arms." I was taken aback. That is a couple that is leaving it all up to God. They are truly going to allow God to decide what child comes into their family. I am so excited for them, and can't wait for the day I call them and tell them that they are matched!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adopting Domestically While Living Abroad

I wanted to let everyone know of a service that we are now able to offer. We have been doing a lot of research, and realized that Americans that are living abroad are having a very difficult time adopting. I am sure it is hard for many reasons, a couple of those reasons being: not a lot of immediate information available, adoption professionals will have to work harder to help make it happen, agencies are unsure of the laws regarding this, and what part will Hague play into it. Well, GOOD NEWS!! I had a prospective client contact me 2 weeks ago, and I have since become very educated on this subject. There is a lot of red-tape, but it is possible. I believe this prospective client and I have worked through all the annoying details of this, and I feel confident that they will be able to adopt very quickly.


Will it cost more?

Overall, Yes. You will have to pay more for your home study, because they will have to come to you to approve your home, so that will be an added expense. Depending on how many post-placements visits you need, you may have to fly them to you more than once.

Will you charge more as an adoption consultant?

No, I do not want to make this process any more expensive or frustrating for the adoptive couple. I am willing to take on the extra work, in order to help fulfill an adoptive couple's dreams. Living abroad should not stop you from pursuing your dreams of adoption.

Will it take longer?

It shouldn't take any longer than if you lived in the states. It 100% depends on your preferences, if you are race/gender specific, very limited to drug/alcohol exposure than it can definitely take a while.

Do I have to work with only Hague accredited agencies?

NO! I called the U.S. department of State and Intercountry affairs to make sure this is true. You are considered a "habitual" resident of the U.S. if you have lived here most of your life, a citizen of the U.S., and plan to return to the U.S. permanently before the adopted child turns 18.

Will my new child need a passport/visa?

Yes. Your new infant will enter the country in which you live on the same type of Visa that you have, i.e. temporary work visa, etc.

As you can see there are a lot of different things that play into adopting domestically while abroad, BUT it can be done. Please feel free to email me for more information on this wonderful new service. We will walk you through each and every step of your adoption journey!